Uses of Interface

Packages that use PageSupport   

Uses of PageSupport in

Fields in declared as PageSupport
protected  PageSupport ScriptAttributeEvaluator.currentPage

Methods in that return PageSupport
 PageSupport ScriptAttributeEvaluator.getCurrentPage()
          Get the current page.

Methods in with parameters of type PageSupport
 java.lang.Object ScriptAttributeEvaluator.evaluateAttribute(PageSupport page, java.lang.String attributeValue)
          Get the value of an attribute.
 XMethodReference ScriptAttributeEvaluator.getMethodReference(PageSupport page, java.lang.String attributeValue)
          Get the value of an attribute by evaluating a method reference

Uses of PageSupport in

Fields in declared as PageSupport
protected  PageSupport XPathEvaluator.ownerPage
          The enclosing context
          The PageSupport being helped

Methods in with parameters of type PageSupport
 java.lang.Object XApplicationContext.displayPage(PageSupport page)
          Called when a page has been added or shown via the XPageManager.
 java.lang.Object XApplicationContext.displayPage(PageSupport pageObj, java.lang.String target)
          Called when a page has been added or shown via the XPageManager.

Constructors in with parameters of type PageSupport
XPageHelper(PageSupport thePage)
          Creates a new instance of XPageHelper
XPathEvaluator(XProject project, PageSupport page)
          Creates a new instance of XPathEvaluator

Uses of PageSupport in net.xoetrope.awt

Classes in net.xoetrope.awt that implement PageSupport
 class XDialog
          Provides support for Popups.
 class XMessageBox
          Creates a simple modal MessageBox with a label for the text and a close button

Methods in net.xoetrope.awt with parameters of type PageSupport
 java.lang.Object XApplet.displayPage(PageSupport page)
          Called when a page has been added or shown via the XPageManager.
 java.lang.Object XApplet.displayPage(PageSupport pageObj, java.lang.String target)
          Called when a page has been added or shown via the XPageManager.

Uses of PageSupport in net.xoetrope.builder

Classes in net.xoetrope.builder that implement PageSupport
 class NavigationHelper
          NavigationHelper extends XPage by adding a few simple methods to assist in navigating from page to page.

Fields in net.xoetrope.builder declared as PageSupport
protected  PageSupport
protected  PageSupport XuiBuilder.rootPage

Methods in net.xoetrope.builder that return PageSupport
protected  PageSupport XuiBuilder.loadClass(java.lang.String className)
          Loads a class as the basis for a page
 PageSupport XuiBuilder.loadPage(java.lang.String defPackageName, java.lang.String pageName, boolean include)
          Loads an XPage via a reader obtained from the XProject (searches the classpath).
 PageSupport XuiBuilder.readPage( reader, java.lang.String pageName, boolean include)
          Read an XML description of the page and construct a new XPage.

Methods in net.xoetrope.builder with parameters of type PageSupport
protected  void XuiBuilder.addBindings(PageSupport page, XmlElement model)
          Adds data bindings to the page.
protected  void XuiBuilder.addEvents(PageSupport page, XmlElement model)
          Adds the event handlers.
protected  void XuiBuilder.addHandler(PageSupport xpage, java.lang.Object targetComp, java.lang.String typeStr, java.lang.String name)
          Adds an event handler.
protected  void XuiBuilder.addMenu(PageSupport page, XmlElement model)
          Adds a menu to the application.
 void XuiBuilder.addMenuHandler(PageSupport xpage, java.lang.String targetStr, java.lang.String methodStr)
          Add a menu handler
 void XuiBuilder.addScripts(PageSupport page, XmlElement scriptsNode)
          Store the scripts in the page
protected  void XuiBuilder.addValidations(PageSupport page, XmlElement model)
          Adds validation rules to the components
 java.lang.Object XuiBuilder.evaluateAttribute(PageSupport page, java.lang.String attributeValue)
          Get the value of an attribute.
protected  XDataBinding XuiBuilder.getFactoryBinding(PageSupport page, java.lang.Object compType, XModel model, XmlElement bindingNode)
          Try to get a binding factory to construct the binding
protected  void XuiBuilder.loadOtherElement(PageSupport page, XmlElement childNode)
          Load any element other than the predefined node types e.g.
protected  void XuiBuilder.setResourceBundle(PageSupport page, java.lang.String attribValue)
          Set the name of the page's resource bundle

Uses of PageSupport in

Methods in with parameters of type PageSupport
 XDataBinding XOptionalBindingFactory.getBinding(PageSupport page, java.lang.Object comp, XModel model, XmlElement bindingNode)
          Try to get a binding factory to construct the binding

Uses of PageSupport in net.xoetrope.optional.evaluator

Methods in net.xoetrope.optional.evaluator with parameters of type PageSupport
 java.lang.Object XGroovyEvaluator.evaluateAttribute(PageSupport page, java.lang.String attributeValue)
          Get the value of an attribute.
 XMethodReference XGroovyEvaluator.getMethodReference(PageSupport page, java.lang.String attributeValue)
          Get the value of an attribute by evaluating a method reference

Uses of PageSupport in net.xoetrope.swing

Methods in net.xoetrope.swing with parameters of type PageSupport
 java.lang.Object XApplet.displayPage(PageSupport page)
          Called when a page has been added or shown via the XPageManager.
 java.lang.Object XApplet.displayPage(PageSupport pageObj, java.lang.String target)
          Called when a page has been added or shown via the XPageManager.
 XDataBinding SwingDataBindingFactory.getBinding(PageSupport page, java.lang.Object comp, XModel model, XmlElement bindingNode)
          Try to get a binding factory to construct the binding

Uses of PageSupport in net.xoetrope.swt

Classes in net.xoetrope.swt that implement PageSupport
 class XSwtPage
          A basic unit for building applications.

Methods in net.xoetrope.swt with parameters of type PageSupport
 java.lang.Object XApplet.displayPage(PageSupport page)
          Called when a page has been added or shown via the XPageManager.
 java.lang.Object XApplet.displayPage(PageSupport pageObj, java.lang.String target)
          Called when a page has been added or shown via the XPageManager.

Uses of PageSupport in net.xoetrope.xui

Classes in net.xoetrope.xui that implement PageSupport
 class XPage
          A basic unit for building applications.

Fields in net.xoetrope.xui declared as PageSupport
          The PageSupport being helped

Methods in net.xoetrope.xui that return PageSupport
 PageSupport XPageManager.getCurrentPage(java.lang.String target)
          Get the page currently displayed by a particular target container
 PageSupport XPageManager.getPage(java.lang.String className)
          Get a page
 PageSupport XPageManager.getPreviousPage()
          Get the page previously displayed by the 'content' target container
 PageSupport XPageManager.loadPage(java.lang.String className)
          Load a page.
 PageSupport XPageManager.loadPage(java.lang.String className, boolean cache)
          Load a page.
 PageSupport XPageLoader.loadPage(java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String pageName, boolean include)
          Loads an XPage
 PageSupport XPage.showPage(java.lang.String className)
          Load and show a page.
 PageSupport XPageManager.showPage(java.lang.String className)
          Load and show a page.
 PageSupport XPage.showPage(java.lang.String className, java.lang.String target)
          Load and show a page and show it in a named target area.
 PageSupport XPageManager.showPage(java.lang.String className, java.lang.String target)
          Load and show a page.
 PageSupport XPage.showPrevious()
          Show the previously displayed page.
 PageSupport XPageManager.showPrevious()
          Show the previously displayed page.

Methods in net.xoetrope.xui with parameters of type PageSupport
 java.lang.Object XPageDisplay.displayPage(PageSupport page)
          Called when a page needs to be displayed.
 java.lang.Object XPageDisplay.displayPage(PageSupport page, java.lang.String target)
          Called when a page needs to be displayed.

Constructors in net.xoetrope.xui with parameters of type PageSupport
XPageHelper(PageSupport thePage)
          Creates a new instance of XPageHelper

Uses of PageSupport in

Methods in with parameters of type PageSupport
 XDataBinding XBasicDataBindingFactory.getBinding(PageSupport page, java.lang.Object comp, XModel model, XmlElement bindingNode)
          Try to get a binding factory to construct the binding
 XDataBinding XDataBindingFactory.getBinding(PageSupport page, java.lang.Object comp, XModel model, XmlElement bindingNode)
          Try to get a binding factory to construct the binding

Uses of PageSupport in net.xoetrope.xui.evaluator

Fields in net.xoetrope.xui.evaluator declared as PageSupport
protected  PageSupport XDefaultAttributeEvaluator.currentPage

Methods in net.xoetrope.xui.evaluator that return PageSupport
 PageSupport XDefaultAttributeEvaluator.getCurrentPage()
          Get the current page.

Methods in net.xoetrope.xui.evaluator with parameters of type PageSupport
 java.lang.Object XAttributeEvaluator.evaluateAttribute(PageSupport page, java.lang.String attributeValue)
          Get the value of an attribute.
 java.lang.Object XDefaultAttributeEvaluator.evaluateAttribute(PageSupport page, java.lang.String attributeValue)
          Get the value of an attribute.
 XMethodReference XAttributeEvaluator.getMethodReference(PageSupport page, java.lang.String attributeValue)
          Get the value of an attribute by evaluating a method reference
 XMethodReference XDefaultAttributeEvaluator.getMethodReference(PageSupport page, java.lang.String attributeValue)
          Get the value of an attribute by evaluating a method reference