Class Summary |
SwingComponentFactory |
A factory for non-base Swing components such as trees, tables and split panes |
SwingDataBindingFactory |
A data binding factory for the additional swing bindings |
SwingWidgetAdapter |
Adapts the abstract component definition used by the common XUI (net.xoetrope.xui) package to the concrete definition of an Swing component. |
XAlignmentHelper |
A utility class to help in setting alignment options |
XApplet |
This class is constructed with a window or frame and can be part of an applet or an application. |
XButton |
A wrapper for the Swing JButton class. |
XCheckbox |
A wrapper for the Swing JCheckbox class |
XComboBox |
A wrapper for the Swing JComboBox class |
XDialog |
Provides support for Popups. |
XDialogEventDispatchThread |
XEdit |
A wrapper for the Swing JTextField class |
XGradientBackground |
Paints a background with a linear gradient |
XHotspotImage |
A widget for displaying an image and associating hotspots at coordinates specified in an external file |
XImage |
Draws an image |
XImageButton |
Uses a set of images to create a button |
XImageMap |
Description: |
XImagePainter |
Paints a background with a watermark image |
XLabel |
Draws text. |
XList |
A wrapper for the Swing List class |
XLogoBackground |
Paints a background with a watermark like logo |
XMenu |
A wrapper for menus |
XMenuBar |
A wrapper for menus |
XMenuItem |
A wrapper for menu items |
XMessageBox |
Creates a simple modal MessageBox with a label for the text and a close button |
XMetaContent |
This component renders XML based content. |
XPanel |
A basic container for components. |
XPassword |
A wrapper for the Swing JPasswordField class, adding an echo character |
XRadioButton |
A wrapper for the JRadioButton class |
XScrollableMetaContent |
Implements a scrollable holder for a XMetaContent component |
XScrollPane |
Wraps ScrollPane |
XSplitPane |
A wrapper for the Swing JSplitPane class |
XSwingHelper |
A collection of utilities for use with the Swing version of XUI |
XTable |
Provides a simple read-only tables/grid component. |
XTable2 |
Provides a wrapper for the JTable and offer some compatibility with the AWT version of the XTable. |
XTableRenderer |
Provides a simple read-only tables/grid component. |
XTabPanel |
A tab panel. |
XTextArea |
A wrapper for the JTextArea class |
XTextPane |
A wrapper for the JTextPane class |
XTree |
A tree control, wraps JTree |
XUnknown |
A dummy component type, used if no other component wrapper can be found |