Interface XDataBindingFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
SwingDataBindingFactory, XBasicDataBindingFactory, XOptionalBindingFactory

public interface XDataBindingFactory

A factory for construction of data bindings

Copyright (c) Xoetrope Ltd., 1998-2003

$Revision: 2.3 $

Method Summary
 XDataBinding getBinding(PageSupport page, java.lang.Object comp, XModel model, XmlElement bindingNode)
          Try to get a binding factory to construct the binding

Method Detail


XDataBinding getBinding(PageSupport page,
                        java.lang.Object comp,
                        XModel model,
                        XmlElement bindingNode)
Try to get a binding factory to construct the binding

page - the page that will own the binding
comp - the target component
model - the source data model
bindingNode - the XML element defining the binding
the new binding if one could be constructed