Package net.xoetrope.xui

Interface Summary
PageSupport Some common page methods
XAppender A simple interface to allow one item to be appended to another.
XAttributedComponent An interface that allows the component builders to set the attributes of a component without knowing the individual accessor methods.
XComponentConstructor An interface for building components, used by and to extend componentFactory.
XContentHolder An interface for adding content to a component.
XContentPane Some containers use a content pane to hold their content rather than allowing the container to hold its children directly.
XHashCode An interface used by the event handling mechanism to handle and identify compound components
XImageHolder An interface for setting an Image, used by XImage
XLayoutSupport Various layout support methods
XLifeCycleListener An interface that allows applications to add to the startup and shutdown functionality.
XListHolder A generic interface for drop down lists.
XMessageBoxSetup An interface used to allow the message box dialog to be displayed sindependantly of the base package
XMetaContentHolder An interface for setting meta information content
XModelHolder Generic interface for components that use an XModel instance.
XPage.IXDialog A bare interface used to distinguish dialogs from normal pages and checked by the PageManager when loading pages
XPageDisplay An interface used by page containers to display a page.
XPageLoader An interface used by the XPageLoader to load pages
XPainter An interface that allows an XPainter class to be added to paint part of a component.
XRadioButtonGroup Add methods for radio button support and grouping
XRadioHolder An interface for radio button groups
XStateHolder A generic interface that allows stateful components to bind their state
XTextDecorator An interface for adding decorations to the painting of text
XTextHolder A generic interface for components that display a text label
XValueHolder A generic interface for components that display a text label

Class Summary
WidgetAdapter Adapts the abstract component definition used by the common xui (net.xoetrope.xui) package to the concrete definition of a widget as required by an individual widget set such as AWT, Swing, SWT or HTML components.
XComponentFactory A component factory.
XEventHandler Implements an event handler for XUI.
XLayoutHelper A helper class for working with layout managers.
XPage A basic unit for building applications.
XPageHelper A class used by XPage to implement its functionality in a reusable way
XPageManager A class for loading and displaying XPages.
XProject A holder for references to the objects and resources used by a Xui project
XProjectManager A central repository for XProjects.
XTarget When using framesets the 'screen' is devided up into a number of different target areas.
XTextRenderer A mixin class for rendering multiline text.