Interface XAttributedComponent

All Known Implementing Classes:
XButton, XButton, XButton, XCheckbox, XCheckbox, XEdit, XHotspotImage, XHotspotImage, XImage, XImage, XImageButton, XImageMap, XImageMap, XLabel, XLabel, XLabel, XLocalisedScrollableMetaContent, XMetaContent, XPanel, XPanel, XPanel, XPassword, XRadioButton, XRadioButton, XScrollableMetaContent, XScrollableMetaContent, XScrollPane, XScrollPane, XSplitPane, XTab, XTable, XTable, XTable2, XTabPanel, XTextArea, XTree, XUnknown, XUnknown

public interface XAttributedComponent

An interface that allows the component builders to set the attributes of a component without knowing the individual accessor methods.

The interface uses a name to identify the attribute and a string value for the attribute or property value. In general these names are case in-sensitive to facilitate hand coding of the XML as case errors are difficult to spot. The method can also be used as a catch-all for attributes not known to XUI in advance as the framework will pass all attributes to the setAttribute method if the interface is implemented by a widget. The attribute names need not match the property method names as would be required by the bean specification.

Copyright (c) Xoetrope Ltd., 2002-2003

License: see license.txt $Revision: 2.3 $

Method Summary
 void setAttribute(java.lang.String attribName, java.lang.String attribValue)
          Set one or more attributes of the component.

Method Detail


void setAttribute(java.lang.String attribName,
                  java.lang.String attribValue)
Set one or more attributes of the component.

attribName - the name of the attribute
attribValue - the value of the attribute