Interactively configure the XUI project and its resources. The editor also includes a wizard to help create new XUI projects.
Page Designer
Use point and click to design and build XUI pages. Set styles and properties. The lines on the page designer background are guides that can be used to align components. The designer also features a set of alignment tools on its toolbar.
Page Designer 2
Properties can be inspected and set. Events handlers can be setup with full interaction with the source code in both design and debug modes. NetBeans provides full featured debugging facilities for the completed XUI application which can be run within the IDE.
Edit the XML
Two way editing of the XML is supported, allowing the user to switch between visual layout and XML.
Choosing Styles
XUI has extensive support for management of styles and the editor is equiped with a color chooser to allow you choose good looking sets of colors and fonts for an application.
Style Preview
To assist in the selection of styles the StyleChooser offers a preview of the colors and fonts it uses.