XUI Zone - articles
Articles are usually published in order to describe a new piece of fuctionality which has been introduced into XUI. They are intended to be introductory pieces and the knowledge base should be referred to for more technical details.
Get rich quick with XUI and SugarCRM
XUI and Carousel can be used to speed up and enhance the capabilities of a typical browser based application. Taking the popular open source business application, SugarCRM, we will illustrate some of the advantages of using a rich-client framework
Carousel Components Demo, First Looks
The Carousel Components Demo is a webstartable demo of some of the user interface components in the Carousel Suite. Carousel is a commercial extension to the open source XUI platform sponsored by Xoetrope.
What's new in version 2.0.6
Although as point release v2.0.6 of XUI is largely a collection of fixes and tweaks some new features are included. The following article describes some of these new features.
Sudoku with XUI
This simple demo illustrates many of the techniques for developing XUI applications and provides a less serious way of learning them. What's more the end result is a fully functional application which can be deployed as an applet or an application.
XUI meets eBay
Today eBay is one of the highest profile web service providers with a massive base of active users. Hitching a ride on this juggernaut of e-commerce we will demonstrate how the XUI framework can be used in conjunction with the eBay SDK to build powerful applications.
XUI rencontre eBay
Aujourd'hui eBay est un des plus grands fournisseurs de service web avec autant d'utilisateurs actifs. Accrochant un wagon sur cette locomotive d'e-commerce, nous allons démontrer comment le frameworks de XUI peut être employé pour développer des applications puissantes. L'article détaillera également les avantages qu'un framework riche apportent à une plateforme de service web et nous montrerons comment XUI peut aider à résoudre certains les problèmes d'utilisation les plus ennuyants liés aux applications web.
Adding Components
The last version of XUI introduced the component registry as a way of adding new component types to XUI. Now we have added extended this support for the registry. The XuiEditor can now load components from any Jar, not just those conforming to the Beans API. This article describes both how to use the new editor features and how to build and register a custom component.
Library Functions
New library support in XUI 2.0 allows further separation of UI and business logic. Attributes and events no longer need to be implemented in classes derived from XPage. The new support even opens up the possibility of embedding support for scripting engines.
Introducing the Guide Layout
Use guides to simplify creation of flexible page layouts. Inspired by Desktop Publishing the guides make can be used with a minimum of effort and programmer intervention. Support for the guides is built into the NetBeans plug-in. Say goodbye to the GridBag!
New Widgets Sets on the way: SWT and HTML
We are preparing for extensions to the XUI platform and support for new widget sets. While these widget sets won't make it into the final release of XUI 2.0 we are including the basic mechanisms to support alternative UIs.
Synth + SVG gives XUI a nice feel
See how we use SVG and the Synth Look and Feel to nice effect. With the combination you can get some great visual effects like translucent buttons, sophisticated backgrounds and animated effects such as rollovers.