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24 Evaluated attributes and helpers

Evaluated attributes provide a powerful way of extending the scope and range of what Carousel can do. Take for example a simple data binding where a single source node is mapped to say an edit field. On its own this binding is limited, but if we use an evaluated attribute then we can control what is displayed each time the binding is updated, and earlier ( "Callbacks" on page 139 ) we saw an example of this dynamic data binding.

Evaluated attributes offer a great deal of power and reinforce the idea of the Model-View-Controller architecture by providing a means to insert links between the various components without hard wiring of these links.

Evaluated attributes

First of all, to recap what an evaluated attribute is and how it works lets look at a very simple example.

Table 24-1 - Basic attribute evaluation

The code ${getContent()} is an expression that is evaluated at runtime each time the expression is encountered. For a page component declaration the expression is evaluated when the page is loaded.

Expressions can be used in other locations such as within the data model, the data bindings, the validations or the event bindings.

Arguments allowed in XML attribute method calls

The XML description of pages has been able to support method calls for the evaluation of attributes since version 1.0.3. These method calls now support method arguments. Arguments of int and String types can be included. For example:

Code Sample 24-1 - An Evaluated Attribute

This example dynamically binds a value to the connSizeSt component. The implementing page should then contain the method

Code Sample 24-2 - A Handler for an Evaluated Attribute

public String getNodeValue( int NodeID )

The implementation of this method should return a String that can be used as the source attribute of the original XML Bind element.

The advantage of this method call is that the same page definition can now be reused and bound to different parts of the data model. A simple example of this might be where a popup dialog is used to show details of say a person in some business model. Such a person entity could be a manager, an employee or a visitor/guest and as such the data for each of these entities would exist in different parts of an organizational hierarchy.

Library expressions

In XUI 2.0 The attributes can also be defined in classes other than the current page or classes derived from XPage . The syntax for such expressions is as follows:

Table 24-2 - Extended attribute declarations




to invoke a static method


to create a new instance of the class on each evaluation


for a named object instance


for a method contained within the invoking page


for a method contained within the class instance referred to by the reference name.

where mypackage is the name of the Java package containing the class MyClass . The value of referenceName is a user defined value that identifies the instance of the class. The application instantiates an instance of the class when the expression is first encountered and thereafter maintains the instance with each subsequent call retrieving the same instance of the class. As in early versions, the method call can also contain zero or more arguments. For an example of this please see "Evaluated attributes" on page 144 .

Expression evaluators

The expressions are evaluated by an ExpressionEvaluator and each page has by default its own instance of the default expression evaluator. (The default evaluator delegates storage of the referenced classes to the project). However, the page allows this evaluator to be replaced and a different evaluator can be inserted with a call to the XuiBuilder.setAttributeEvaluator method. This replaceable evaluator allows a route to include other expression evaluators such as interpreters. Therefore if the capability of the built in evaluate is insufficient you can replace or extend the default evaluator. As an example a prototype evaluator for the Groovy language has been created.

Using evaluated attributes

OK, so we have seen how the attributes of an XML file can in fact be callbacks to methods in your page class or in some other class. What does this mean for the application?

Essentially this means that the model is dynamic, it can be adapted to meet the changing needs of your application as a session progresses. You are not restricted to the setup encoded in the XML at start-up.

The dynamic model also means the data structure specified in the XML (or in your code for that matter) can be mapped from one instance to another via the evaluated attributes and callbacks. We have already seen how this could be use with something as simple as an address form.

Evaluated attributes also make it possible to apply more advanced techniques like filtering data and providing access control. Once you get to grips with the basic functionality you should find the use of evaluated attributes a very powerful mechanism.

From an achitectural point of view the use of evaluated expressions means that you can create a user interface with XML with very little dependancy upon the Java code. The page does not need to be derived from a custom class as you logic can be embedded in some other hierarchy.

The use of library functions also promotes reuse as the code can be freed of some of the page specific constraints. Late binding also opens up further possibilities for dynamically matching code to the user interface and providing different levels of functionality or strategies for different situations or even for different users.

The on-line mortgage tutorial uses library methods to implement its page navigation. In the pre 2.0 versions the navigation required a special page to implement this behavior and therefore the navigation page became tied to the navigation class which was undesirable if you wanted to use features of another page class (assuming that the navigation is only a small part of the page's functionality). With the new library functions the navigation features can be added as mix-ins with very few special requrements.

The added flexibility of this arrangement should make it possible to build reusable functionality that can be dropped in to various points of your application.

Escape sequence for path attribute values

When searching for a model node it is possible to specify an attribute value to distinguish between nodes with the same parents. For example:

Code Sample 24-3 - A Model Path and Attribute

model.get( "products/software/vendor@name=xoetrope" );

This searches for a node where the vendor has a name attribute of xoetrope . Sometimes, for instance when handling code numbers or article numbers, the attribute may include forward slashes. These slashes can cause problems when trying to identify various parts of the path and therefore an escape sequence has been added to allow attributes with slashes to be used in searches. Such a search would appear as:

Code Sample 24-4 - A Model Path and a Specified Attribute

model.get( "products/tyres/vendor@name=michelin/size@value=[R14/500]" );

In the above example the search is for a tyre from the michelin vendor and with a size of R14/500 .


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