Class XDataBindingContext

  extended by

public class XDataBindingContext
extends java.lang.Object


A class used by XPage to manage the data binding coordination

Copyright (c) Xoetrope Ltd., 2002-2005

License: see license.txt

$Revision: 1.1 $

Field Summary
protected  XPathEvaluator evaluator
 java.util.Vector modelBindings
          Vector of XDataBinding Objects currently in use by the XPage
Constructor Summary
XDataBindingContext(XPathEvaluator pathEvaluator)
          Creates a new instance of XDataBindingContext
Method Summary
 void addBinding(XDataBinding b, boolean doGet)
          Add a binding of a component to the data model.
 XDataBinding getBinding(java.lang.Object targetComp)
          Find the data binding associated with a component
 XDataBinding getBinding(java.lang.String targetPath)
          Find the data binding associated with a data source path
 java.util.Vector getBindings()
          Retrieve the Vector of XDataBinding for the XPage
 void removeBinding(XDataBinding b)
          Remove a binding of a component to the data model.
 void saveBoundComponentValues()
          Save the component values to the model
 void updateBinding(XDataBinding binding)
          Update the bound model node for the binding.
 void updateBindings()
          Iterate all of the bindings in the page to reflect the model state.
 void updateBoundComponentValues()
          Update the UI with values from the model
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public java.util.Vector modelBindings
Vector of XDataBinding Objects currently in use by the XPage


protected XPathEvaluator evaluator
Constructor Detail


public XDataBindingContext(XPathEvaluator pathEvaluator)
Creates a new instance of XDataBindingContext

Method Detail


public java.util.Vector getBindings()
Retrieve the Vector of XDataBinding for the XPage

Vector of XDataBinding


public void addBinding(XDataBinding b,
                       boolean doGet)
Add a binding of a component to the data model. If the page has already been activated this method will update the binding automatically.

b - the binding "param doGet do a get on the binding once it has been added


public void removeBinding(XDataBinding b)
Remove a binding of a component to the data model.

b - the binding


public void updateBindings()
Iterate all of the bindings in the page to reflect the model state.


public void updateBinding(XDataBinding binding)
Update the bound model node for the binding. First the output path is reevaluated and then updated by setting the output node. Then the source path is reevaluated and set. Evaluation of the paths allows derived classes to dynamically modify the bindings. Some bindings may save the selection or state information to the output node and subsequently use it to restore the component state. This method does not alter the data held by the bound model nodes. To actually save the data use saveBoundComponentValues and to update the UI use updateBoundComponentValues.

binding - The databinding to be updated


public void updateBoundComponentValues()
Update the UI with values from the model


public void saveBoundComponentValues()
Save the component values to the model


public XDataBinding getBinding(java.lang.Object targetComp)
Find the data binding associated with a component

targetComp - the component whose binding is required
the binding or null if no binding is found


public XDataBinding getBinding(java.lang.String targetPath)
Find the data binding associated with a data source path

targetPath - the path to the bound model
the binding or null if no binding is found