Carousel Zone - articles
Articles are usually published in order to describe a new piece of fuctionality which has been introduced into XUI. They are intended to be introductory pieces and the knowledge base should be referred to for more technical details.
Carousel Components Demo, First Looks

The Carousel Components Demo is a webstartable demo of some of the user interface components in the Carousel Suite. Carousel is a commercial extension to the open source XUI platform sponsored by Xoetrope.
What's new in version 2.0.6

Although as point release v2.0.6 of XUI is largely a collection of fixes and tweaks some new features are included. The following article describes some of these new features.
See how Carousel routing can transform and persist your XUI data

Get a preview of the routing technology which will be available in Carousel. Routing plugs directly into your existing XUI application and can take care of everyday tasks such as session management and user authentication.
Screenshots showing upcoming features of XUI and Carousel

See some of what's in XUI. This document shows just a few of the new features in action. Some of the new features in Carousel are also illustrated.