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Take it for a test drive Now that you've read all about the application you might want to give it a try. You will need to have the java runtime environment on your computer so if you don't already have it you can be install it from the following link... The application will start with Java WebStart and you will be prompted to accept the certificate which is signed by Xoetrope. This will allow the application to access your hard disk. If you do not wish to allow this access then the application cannot be run. When you launch the application for the first time you will have to specify the directory which you want to use to cache your account information and you will then need to logon on to the server in order to retrieve user ids from the database. The server which is being connected to is java.xoetrope.com If you go to this site you will be presented with the browser based SugarCRM application so you can work with the browser version alongside the XUI version to see how changes are being made. The following usernames and passwords can be used in either version of the application...
Click the button below to launch the application.