

Education - Certification

With certification from Xoetrope you can earn your passport to XUI development

So you've downloaded the toolkits, read the documentation, followed the tutorials and you reckon you're a bit of a whizz at XUI development. Why not give that knowledge and offical stamp of recognition by earning certification from Xoetrope? Please note that we intend to roll out the certification program during 2006 and we would like to hear what you would like to see included as part of it.

For more information on XUI and Carousel certification you can email us at .

Exam Objectives

The exam for the XUI Certified Engineer will cover the following topics amongst others.

XUI basics
XUI libraries
Project structure
Startup properties
The XApplet hierarchy
Extending the XApplet

Declaring pages in XML
Page attributes
Creating Java only pages
Page lifecycle events
Working with page objects

Declaring validations in XML
Creating validations in Java
Creating custom validations
Creating custom validation factories

Style file syntax
Applying styles to registered components
Retrieving styles from the stylemanager

Using framesets
Declaring framesets in XML
Accessing the frameset sections from Java
Changing frameset pages
Hiding and showing frames

Event handling
Declaring events in XML
Creating events in Java
Creating custom events
Using events with library functions

Library functions
Declaring library function calls in XML pages through events
Reusing a library from XML
Accessing a named library from Java

Declaring dialogs in XML
Creating classes based on XDialog
Setting the modality of the dialog
Synchronising data bindings on the parent page

Data binding
Declaring data bindings in XML
Populating lists from XML
Creating custom data bindings
Creating bindings in Java

Using the XModel
The XModel structure
How the xui_state node works
Accessing XModel nodes and attributes
Persisting and restoring the model