Class XValidationHandler

  extended by net.xoetrope.xui.validation.XValidationHandler
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class XValidationHandler
extends java.lang.Object

implements XExceptionHandler


Provides a means of managing validations. This class is intended as a mixin class for the panel classes such as XPage. Validations are integrated with the event handler so that when the event with which the validation is associated is triggered the validation is invoked. Failure of a validation results in subsequent event handler methods being blocked.

Validations are also invoked at page transition and all validations rules are checked. If all validations are not passed then the page transition can be blocked.

If a validation failes then an exception is thrown. The exception is by default handled by this class but it can be redirected to a custom exception handler with the setExceptionHandler method. This interface allows exceptions to handled in a variety of different ways.

Copyright: Copyright (c) Xoetrope Ltd., 1998-2003
License: see license.txt $Revision: 2.10 $

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.Object container
          For accessing function validations
protected  XExceptionHandler customExceptionHandler
          The XExceptionHandler which will handle validation exceptions
protected  XValidationFactory validationFactory
          The project XValidationFactory
protected  java.util.Hashtable validations
          Hashtable of project validations
Constructor Summary
XValidationHandler(java.lang.Object c)
          Create a new validation handler for the specified container.
Method Summary
 int accumulateMessages(boolean accumulate, int level)
          informs the handler when a page validation is starting or stopping.
 XValidator addValidation(XuiEventHandler eventHandler, java.lang.Object comp, java.lang.String validationName)
          Adds a validation to this page.
 XValidator addValidation(XuiEventHandler eventHandler, java.lang.Object comp, java.lang.String validationName, java.lang.String method)
          Adds a validation to this page.
 XValidator addValidation(XuiEventHandler eventHandler, java.lang.Object comp, java.lang.String validationName, java.lang.String method, int mask, XmlElement pageEle)
          Adds a validation to this page.
 int checkValidations()
          Check all validations for this page.
 void clearValidations()
          Reset/removes all validations
 XValidator getValidation(java.lang.String validationName, java.lang.String method)
          Gets a XValidator object.
 XValidator getValidation(java.lang.String validationName, java.lang.String method, int mask, XmlElement pageEle)
          Adds a validation to this page.
 java.util.Vector getValidations(java.lang.Object comp)
          Gets all the validations installed for a component
 boolean handleEventHandlerException(XProject project, java.lang.Object container, java.lang.Throwable error)
          Handle an exception during the invocation of a page's event handler.
 boolean handleException(java.lang.Object comp, java.lang.Exception ex, java.lang.Object validator)
          A method called when a validation exeption has been trapped.
 void removeValidations(java.lang.Object comp)
          Remove any validations bound to the passed component
 void setExceptionHandler(XExceptionHandler eh)
          Set the exception handler called when a validation exception is trapped
 void setupEventHandler(XuiEventHandler eh)
          Set the event handler instance.
 void setValidationFactory(XValidationFactory vf)
          Sets the factory used to create XValidator objects
 int validationHandler(XuiEventHandler eventHandler)
          Invoke the validators for the last event.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected XValidationFactory validationFactory
The project XValidationFactory


protected java.util.Hashtable validations
Hashtable of project validations


protected XExceptionHandler customExceptionHandler
The XExceptionHandler which will handle validation exceptions


protected java.lang.Object container
For accessing function validations

Constructor Detail


public XValidationHandler(java.lang.Object c)
Create a new validation handler for the specified container. The container provides the context in which the validation operate. Therefore validation methods are found by reflection in the specified container. Normally the container is the current XPage or a derived class.

c - the container
Method Detail


public void setupEventHandler(XuiEventHandler eh)
Set the event handler instance. This class needs to interact with the event handler to manage focus and to gain access to the current event

eh - the event handler


public void setExceptionHandler(XExceptionHandler eh)
Set the exception handler called when a validation exception is trapped

eh - The ExceptionHandler to be used


public void clearValidations()
Reset/removes all validations


public XValidator addValidation(XuiEventHandler eventHandler,
                                java.lang.Object comp,
                                java.lang.String validationName,
                                java.lang.String method,
                                int mask,
                                XmlElement pageEle)
Adds a validation to this page.

eventHandler - the current event handler that this handler will use to listen to for events that should trigger validations
comp - the component being validated
validationName - the name of the validation in the validation file
method - the method used to get the component's value if any
mask - the event mask used to filter the events that trigger the validation
pageEle - the XML element which is declared in the page
the new and initialized XValidator


public XValidator getValidation(java.lang.String validationName,
                                java.lang.String method,
                                int mask,
                                XmlElement pageEle)
Adds a validation to this page.

method - The Method to be called for a function validation
validationName - the name of the validation in the validation file
mask - the event mask used to filter the events that trigger the validation
the new and initialized XValidator


public XValidator getValidation(java.lang.String validationName,
                                java.lang.String method)
Gets a XValidator object. The parameters of the object are read from the validation file

validationName - the name of the validation in the validation file
method - the method used to get the component's value if any
the new and initialized XValidator


public java.util.Vector getValidations(java.lang.Object comp)
Gets all the validations installed for a component

comp - the target component
a Vector of XValidators


public void removeValidations(java.lang.Object comp)
Remove any validations bound to the passed component

comp - The component being validated


public XValidator addValidation(XuiEventHandler eventHandler,
                                java.lang.Object comp,
                                java.lang.String validationName,
                                java.lang.String method)
Adds a validation to this page. It is assumed that the validation will be invoked in response to FocusEvent.FOCUS_LOST events

eventHandler - the current event handler that this handler will use to listen to for events that should trigger validations
comp - the component being validated
validationName - the name of the validation in the validation file
method - the method used to get the component's value if any
the new and initialized XValidator


public XValidator addValidation(XuiEventHandler eventHandler,
                                java.lang.Object comp,
                                java.lang.String validationName)
Adds a validation to this page. It is assumed that the validation will be invoked in response to FocusEvent.FOCUS_LOST events

eventHandler - the current event handler that this handler will use to listen to for events that should trigger validations
comp - the component being validated
validationName - the name of the validation in the validation file
the new and initialized XValidator


public void setValidationFactory(XValidationFactory vf)
Sets the factory used to create XValidator objects

vf - The ValidationFactory to be used


public int validationHandler(XuiEventHandler eventHandler)
Invoke the validators for the last event. Multiple validations are checked in the order in which they were added.

the - event handler
the maximum level returned by the validators


public int checkValidations()
Check all validations for this page. Typically this method should be invoked prior to a page transition or a critical transaction.

the maximum error level raised by the validators


public int accumulateMessages(boolean accumulate,
                              int level)
informs the handler when a page validation is starting or stopping. Typically when it starts the page will begin to accumulate messages which are to be displayed. When the parameter is false the page will usually display the accumulated messages

Specified by:
accumulateMessages in interface XExceptionHandler
level - The worst level of validation resulting from prior validations
accumulate - boolean to indicate whether the accumulation is started or stopped.
The result of the validation


public boolean handleException(java.lang.Object comp,
                               java.lang.Exception ex,
                               java.lang.Object validator)
A method called when a validation exeption has been trapped.

Specified by:
handleException in interface XExceptionHandler
comp - Component being validated
ex - The exception caused
validator - The validator being used to validate.
true to continue with error validation or false to suppress further validation.


public boolean handleEventHandlerException(XProject project,
                                           java.lang.Object container,
                                           java.lang.Throwable error)
Handle an exception during the invocation of a page's event handler. The page normally implements this interface and has the first chance at handling the error. Thereafter if false is returned a central (optional) exception handler owned by the project is invoked.

Specified by:
handleEventHandlerException in interface XExceptionHandler
project - the current project
container - the page
error - the exception or error that was thrown
true to continue processing, false to stop processing